Claiming Cash That You Are Owed

There are various situations in life where you will find that others owe you money. Now, many people make the mistake of just assuming that this money will make its way back to them eventually.

But generally speaking, people are reluctant to cough up cash unless they are near enough forced to. This is why it’s important that you actively pursue owed cash.

Here are a few areas that you might want to focus on!



If you work for yourself, you may find that you are owed money from clients. The best way to get this without damaging professional relations is to send an invoice. If this doesn’t work, you can always follow up with a friendly payment reminder via email.

If time goes on and someone is still avoiding payment, you probably won’t want to work with them again anyway, so could always pursue legal action to receive a payment.


There are certain situations in life where someone else will hold authority over your overall health and wellbeing. When you are at work, an employer has responsibility to ensure that you are safe and well while in their commercial property or carrying out tasks for them.

If you are in public spaces, on the roads, or anywhere else, other relevant authorities will have to cater to your safety and wellbeing. If you do experience an incident, you should contact a relevant lawyer like a personal injury lawyer or a car accident lawyer.

They will be able to draw together a case and claim compensation on your behalf.

good budgeting

Money from Friends and Family

Generally speaking in life, it is best to keep to the policy of “never a borrower nor a lender be”. But every now and then we will lend money to close friends or members of our family.

Now, it can be extremely difficult to claim money back from people who you have a personal relationship with, as you won’t want to jeopardise your relationship for the sake of cash. They will also be able to use excuses with you that simply wouldn’t roll with professional lenders.

They will pull at your heart strings and you will generally let things slide because you have their overall happiness and wellbeing in mind.

However, there are ways to get the money back. Note why you need the money. Tell them how them not paying you back is affecting you.

These are just a few different situations where you may find that people owe you money. Hopefully, the above information will help you to claim back what’s owed to you as quickly as possible!

The Real Reasons You Might Need To Give Up Driving

When you learn how to drive, you probably assume that you will be driving for the rest of your life. It’s such a convenient skill to have, and you will certainly need to rely on it for a long time to come. But being able to drive forever? Unfortunately, few people are able to continue using their car once they hit their later years, and they could be forced to give up their license for a number of reasons. But it’s also important to remember that it’s not just the elderly who sometimes need to give up. It may be rare, but some people need to give up driving prematurely. Here are some reasons why that can be.

#1 Poor Eyesight

If you suffer from poor eyesight, then that is obviously going to be problematic for your driving. After all, if you can’t see the road in front of you, there is no way of knowing where the other cars on the road are! There are some eye conditions that can badly affect your sight and these can hit at any age. Unfortunately, they could signal the end of your driving career.

#2 Certain Health Conditions

It’s not just bad eyesight that could make you give up your car. There are a few health conditions that make it impossible for people to drive safely and, if affected by one, you will need to give up your license. One is epilepsy. If you have ever had an epileptic fit in your life, then you can’t risk getting behind the wheel. If you suffer from an illness that affects your upper-body movement, such as MS or the effects of a stroke, driving could be too difficult to do safely.

#3 Getting Banned

If you are ever banned from driving, then you will be forced to give up. If you are banned for causing an accident, you could hire an accident lawyer today to see if they can help you fight your case. Unfortunately, they can’t always get a ban overturned. Thankfully, not all bans are forever, and most of them will prohibit you from driving from anywhere between six and eighteen months.

#4 Alcohol Abuse

You should already know that drink driving has to be avoided at all times. Unfortunately, though, for those who suffer from an addiction to alcohol, drinking before driving might have become a very normal habit. In this case, the safest thing to do is to stop driving completely while the addiction is being treated.

#5 Prescription Drugs

If you are taking certain prescription drugs to help overcome an illness or injury, you might have to stop driving for a short while. That’s because some drugs cause untoward side effects that can affect driving, such as fatigue and drowsiness. You will only have to stop driving while you are taking the medication just to be on the safe side. Once you stop taking the pills, you will be able to start driving again.

Fingers crossed you never have to give up driving for any of these reasons!

5 Essential To Consider Before Buying Your Next Vehicle

Anyone that has ever bought a car knows that there is a lot to consider before you make your financial choice. In fact, it can be highly confusing and even a little frustrating, because just as you think you have considered all the factors, you discover another one to think about. Luckily, you can avoid this if you check out the comprehensive guide below.

#1 Cost


For most people, the overall cost of the vehicle is something that cannot be ignored. After all, it does not matter how much you love a particular make or model, if you haven’t got the money, or can’t get the credit to cover it you will have to go with something else.

However, it’s also worth noting that the way in which you purchase your vehicle can affect the cost. This is because you can use credit and end up paying more over the time you are paying it off, yet still be able to meet the monthly payments, and so work it into your budget.

#2 Running cost

Closely linked to the cost is the economy of the vehicle that you wish to buy. This may include the monthly payments, but also the cost of fuel, and how much its uses, as well the other fees such as MOTS, servicing, maintenance, road tax, and insurance.

Here it’s worth noting that the better fuel economy your vehicle has, the better for you wallet it will be because you will get more miles to the gallon.  

#3 Age

old car

Next, when researching your next vehicle purchase, it’s essential to consider whether to buy new or used car with your hard earned money. There are two extremes here, with some folks only ever going for brand new vehicles that they can drive off of the forecourt, while others will only ever purchase vintage cars.

Although, many people find that the most economical approach is something in between, which usually entails buying a used car that is still in good condition.

#4 Fuel

picture of an oil rig

Closely linked to the model and the economy factors is the fuel type for the car you are going to buy. Traditionally this used to be a choice between petrol and diesel.

However, as all new petrol cars come fitted with a catalytic converter since 1993, the choice has widened. Of course, that doesn’t even account for the additional options of hybrid and fully electric cars that we are now starting to see on the market as well. The latter being something that will have a definite impact on your vehicle choice if you are concerned with the environment and the potential benefits of this sort of vehicle can provide.

#5 Make & model

picture of a mazda cx-f

Lastly, and for some folks most importantly, the make and the model of the car is crucial to their choice. In fact, some people will only invest in Japanese makes like Mazda because they are known for their longevity and reliability. Others prefer cars built in their native country because they feel they are better supporting the home economy.

Then, when it comes to make, the reviews and the status of the latest model all come into play. Something that you can find out more about here and that should help you to make the right decision when buying your next vehicle.

The Perks Of Trading

When we think about making enough money for our family in life and making a good career for ourselves, a lot of the time we try to work every our god gives us to put food in the table and save for things like a good house and a family holiday each year. But did you ever think about all of the other ways you can make money this year and how easy it can be?

Trading is a way of making money which is fine by thousands of people across the world every day and it is a type of money making which can be incredibly useful for anyone in their adult life. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider to trade alongside your career this year.

It’s flexible

Trading is something which can be done on any scale, with any amount of money and any amount of time you happen to have available. It is not like taking a second job and it can be a truly helpful way to make some income for your family during the evenings while you are sitting down and enjoying a good film and a glass of wine. There is no reason why you can’t spend 30 minutes in the day checking up on the market and putting in a trade or two and then going about your daily business once more. There are no time limits so you can fit it around your day.

It’s not that hard

Trading is a subject which a lot of people avoid due to the reputation it has and the idea of the stock market being a little intimidating to some. However trading is actually much easier than you would first think and it can be a great way to earn some cash in your spare time. Just make sure to do a little bit of research before you start and start off with small amounts of money to limit the damage to your bank account.

It covers any industry

Trading isn’t something which is confined to one type of business and it’s not something which only covers big corporations. There are many different things to trade in such as property, oil inventory, farming and tonnes more. You can choose a subject you genuinely are interested in and make this your trading platform and this might make the process more enjoyable.

You can make a good income


The main reason why so many people take part in trading on the stock market is the fact that you can make some serious money if you make the right decisions and put enough money into it all. Think about for example if you could spend 10 hours a week on the stock market as opposed to 3 hours; you would have more time to research and plan, more time to put offers on and more time to make some money. People are able to actually live off what they trade and you could even make this your full time job in the future if you learn the system and how to play it!

It can be great for business

If you have a small business which you are trying to get off the ground a good idea would be to start trading in your spare time and this can be used then to put money into your business which you can use for success. Think about for example spending an hour at the end of your working day putting deals through and making some money and this can be used to expand your business and even start to hire staff for the venture.

You can do it anytime, anywhere

The beauty of trading is the fact that it is universal and it is online. This means that no matter what time of day and where you are in the world, you will always be able to make money for yourself and your loved ones. If you have gone on holiday for a while you can check up on your stocks to see how they are going and you can even put new ones on. It is a great way to stay focused on your trading while anywhere in the world.

You’ll enjoy it

If you love challenges then this will be right up your street and it can be truly fun to try your hand at trading in the workplace and at home. You might find it is a new hobby which you genuinely look forward to doing every day!