Could You Be Saving More On Household General Costs? Top Tips Revealed

Having bills to pay is just one of this life’s hard pills to swallow. We work hard and earn a decent living, but to watch that money slip away from your bank account is never an easy thing to witness.

But we have our bills to pay, and that’s what keeps a roof over our heads. However,  what if I told you that you could be spending more than you should be? Would you want to know where you could make those savings?

Our hard earned money is best lining our pockets. With that in mind, here are some of the ways you could save money on those essential household bills. 


Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License 

Take a long hard look at your outgoings and budget

One of the first things you need to do is look at your outgoings and make a budget. You need to see exactly where your money goes each month. What this might do is unearth some costs that you no longer need to be paying. You would be surprised how many people are still paying for a gym membership they no longer need. Cancel those unnecessary debits and already you have made a saving. What a budget does is enable you to see where you can potentially make some savings. 

Take control of your expenditure

You need to take ownership of your spending. Some of those essential outgoings are completely in your control. For example, your food bill. Changing the way you shop for food and how you prepare each week could be a vital way you save a great deal of money. Meal planning can also reduce the food wastage and ensure that you only buy what you need. Many people have reported that they can reduce their food bill by half, just by making a few changes. 

Work on more frugal shopping habits

a woman with shopping bags

Some essentials need to be purchased, things like clothes and items for the home. So instead of not buying those things it’s worth changing your current shopping habits. Buying things in bulk in the sales is a great way to save over the year. You may also want to consider utilising discount codes and vouchers. Searching online for specific codes like kohls coupons can often give you some great results. They can offer huge savings on full retail price. 

Spend some time hunting out savings

For some people, savings are just waiting to be made on their existing bills. Things like internet payments and energy bills can be reduced, without sacrifice. Often companies will offer great deals and incentives for new customers. So switching providers could reduce your monthly payments. 

Be organized and avoid financial problems occurring

It pays to be organized and to think of worst case scenarios. This is where some of the biggest future savings can be made. Ensuring things like appliances and heating systems are checked over, and keeping notes on payments will all work in your favor in the long run. 

Save money on those debt payments

Finally, debt payments can mount up. But paying several providers is not cost efficient to you. You end up paying multiple interest payments and never reduce your actual debt. Consolidating to a more manageable sum saves you a lot of money per month. 

Let’s hope this has inspired you to save some money on your household bills.

Accumulative vs Cumulative Investment Returns – What’s the Difference?

It’s time for a vocabulary headache. Today’s guest stars are “accumulative” and “cumulative”. We’ll get to what those words mean in the context of investment return in just a moment.

Before we can do that, though, we have to sort out precisely what those words mean and how they differ from each other. There is a very fine line between them in the way that they differ, so pay close attention.

The Definitions


Accumulative: Accumulative is an adjective that applies to something gradually growing or increasing over time. Synonyms for accumulative may include snowballing, amassing, intensifying, etc.

Cumulative: Cumulative is an adjective that applies to something that is increasing due to a combination of independent reasons. Synonyms for cumulative may include chaining, piled, grouped, etc.

Notice: The main difference in the two words are the fact that cumulative encompasses one increase after another, while accumulative refers to one growth as a whole. For example, one might refer to “their cumulative GPA,” which one collects after adding together all the increases or decreases of their separate grades in each class.

On the flip side, someone might talk about “the accumulative damage of rainfall,” which would refer to the gradually increasing damage caused by rainfall over time, with no other factors and no additions to be considered.

In the Context of Investment

investment returns

Now, we can discuss what you all came here to learn: What the difference between accumulative and cumulative investment return is.

The first thing to understand is that there is no such thing as an accumulative investment return. Save yourself the trouble searching for advice on accumulative investment returns by not doing so at all. Nothing will come up in your search.

In the context of investment, cumulative investment return is what’s usually talked about. As you might guess by the definition that we discussed above, you find the cumulative return by factoring in all the different gains and losses made over time to show the current total investment return.

The data can then be analyzed to decide whether or not it’s a smart idea to continue your investment – alternatively, an analysis can help you determine how much more – or less – money you want to put into the investment if you choose to continue.

Cumulative investment returns can be roughly calculated by subtracting the original investment amount from the current value of the stock and then dividing that number by the initial investment amount again. Lastly, subtract one from that number. After converting the final result to a percent, you have your cumulative return for any given any.

While an “accumulative” return isn’t correct terminology, a term usually mentioned in comparison to cumulative returns is the “annualized return,” which looks at the investment return in any given year rather than any point in time like cumulative returns can do.

Annualized returns must be compared side by side while cumulative interest maps out the gain for all time. Comparing the two against each other provides valuable information on the patterns of how poorly or how well your investments are holding up.


In summary, knowing the difference between accumulative and cumulative can be important when working in an economic context, and your cumulative investment return is a valuable tool in monitoring the ups and downs of your investments.

When you are thinking about investing somewhere, you should look through some other articles as well that I wrote about:
Investors Hub Review

Bulls on Wall Street Review

Finviz – A Full Overview

How to Recognize Fraud and Undue Influence in Wills and Estates

It is a challenging and stressful time losing a parent who has lived a long life.  So many arrangements have to be made and so many things have to be taken care of.  One of those things is the estate that was left behind.

After a will has been probated the executor begins the process of distributing the assets to the beneficiaries.  This can be straight forward or wrought with disagreement and dispute.  In the case of the latter, you need to be on the lookout for fraud, dishonesty and questionable behavior.

These matters can be complex and here are 4 situations to consider.

What was the relationship between the testator (the person who made the will) and the beneficiary or any others who may benefit?

Some examples of fraud can be pretty obvious.  If your Father or Mother had a properly executed will in place for years, were still living in their house and being cared for by a neighbor or friend. And that person suddenly is the primary beneficiary in a new will, that you didn’t know about this should obviously be questioned.

Undue influence is a species of fraud that occurs where a person makes a testator execute an instrument they would not have otherwise executed.  If the new will leaves nothing to the children who were beneficiaries in a previous will then the new will can be challenged and nullified.

To contest a will, you must retain a probate or estate litigation lawyer who can file a lawsuit on your behalf.

What was the physical and mental condition of the testator before death?

Unfortunately, when our parents get on in age and into their 80s and 90s some conditions can affect their minds.  A once healthy, brilliant and sharp mind can change and parents can begin to struggle with short and long-term memory.

If a will was changed or a new one was executed when one of your parents was suffering mentally, that will can be contested.  In these instances, your lawyer would look for proof that your Father or Mother was suffering from a cognitive illness.

Medical records or testimony from the specialist doctor, who treated them before the will was changed, is the strongest evidence to secure in order to have a will thrown out.

Be aware of the conduct, character and actions of the person that benefited the most in the will or trust.

In this day and age, it is not uncommon for families to include step-brothers, half-sisters and others. In most cases expanding familial relations leads to a happier and more fulfilling family experience for everyone.

In some cases, it presents challenges especially with large estates that include ranch property, houses, vacation homes and large financial investments. If a will or trust was changed late in a testator’s life and new beneficiaries were introduced, it should be questioned.

It is important to know if the main beneficiary has any history of fraud, deceitful or untrustworthy behavior. As surprising as it may seem there have been cases where a testator, in their late 80s or early 90s was driven to a law office where a prearranged meeting was organized for the sole purpose of changing a will.

An experienced estate litigation attorney will listen to your concerns and uncover the facts behind another person’s behavior and actions.

Was the will executed properly?

A will or change to a will, known as a codicil, must be executed properly.  In Texas, there are strict rules that must be adhered to.  Unless the will is written entirely in the testator’s handwriting, a holographic will, there must be two witnesses present when the testator signed the will.

The two witnesses must be over 14 years of age and must sign the will in the presence of the testator.  The signature of the testator must be valid and not the product of forgery or fraud. The dates, page numbers, signatures and formatting on a will should be correct.  If the document looks suspicious or odd in any way it may be the product of undue influence.

An experienced estate and probate litigator can represent you in these matters to ensure that the wishes of your parents are achieved.  Don’t let yourself be bullied or taken advantage of, most lawyers offer free phone consultations so take the first step and make the call.

Chapter 11 Can Save Businesses That Face Financial Difficulties

There’s been a recent wave of corporations filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, with big names like General Motors, United Airlines, and K-mart choosing to go this route. Despite the fact that Chapter 11 was originally envisioned to serve just those types of major players, it can prove very advantageous to small and medium-sized businesses as well as individuals with large assets. In fact, small, family-sized firms make up the vast majority of Chapter 11 filings every year.

What Is Chapter 11?

Court Chapter 11

Also known as a reorganization bankruptcy, Chapter 11 allows debtors to restructure their business in order to better fulfill obligations to creditors under court supervision. During the proceedings, they obtain the legal quality of debtors-in-possession, and in most circumstances retain full control over their business operations.

This is arguably the most attractive part of Chapter 11 from the perspective of the debtor, as the feeling of constantly having to answer to someone for every decision can be extremely unpleasant for any business owner, not to mention that outside interference can even hinder the firm’s ability to turn a profit.

There are instances in which a debtor’s authority over the firm can be stripped away if fraud, dishonesty or gross incompetence are found by the court. In such cases, a trustee is appointed to run the business until out of debt. It is highly advisable to hire a good lawyer to ensure this doesn’t happen.

How Do You Go About Filing For Chapter 11?

Filing for Chapter 11

Filing for Chapter 11 is usually done at the initiative of the debtor, who has to first submit a petition of relief to the court, as well as schedules of his assets and liabilities, creditor information, statements of financial affairs and any other documents relevant to the proceedings.

Once these are filed, he can formulate a plan for reorganization that can involve anything from downsizing, cutting expenses and reducing personnel, down to liquidating company assets. This is to be sent to the creditor for approval, together with any relevant disclosure statements.Most negotiations take place at this stage, as both the debtor and creditor are looking for ways in which the restructuring might better serve their own interests.

Finally, the two parties reconvene for a confirmation hearing, where the court analyzes any objections to the plan, and decides on whether or not to give course.

Something To Keep In Mind

Chapter 11 small business

Although Chapter 11 is intended to provide a business with a sort of “new lease on life”, courts usually consider that the restructuring program should favor the creditor, at least for the short term, as getting out of debt a little earlier is nothing a small business owner would frown upon.

What Can The Creditor Do While Chapter 11 Is Active?

Chapter 11 can also be filed by the creditor, in which case the debtor is the one who would have to agree with the proposed reorganization, in the limits set by the court. You can make out for your own that this might not usually be the ideal position for the business owner or representative.

While normally unable to intervene in the company’s decisions, the creditor can use the court to conduct examinations, which include obtaining documents and interviewing the debtor or third parties under oath, as well as soliciting proofs of claim.

The creditor can also object to the claim of relief itself, asking the court to dismiss the filing entirely, and as we’ve mentioned previously, to the restructuring plan.


Chapter 11 is considered to be neither very speedy nor very cheap. However, as opposed to the other options usually available to business owners by the stage filing for 11 becomes necessary, it offers some invaluable perks: a clear way out of debt, control over their own business, and most importantly, an opportunity to keep alive the company they’ve invested time and effort in.

About the author:

Kevin S. Neiman is a Denver-based attorney with over 20 years of experience in pursuing finance-related lawsuits, often of a very complex nature. The Law Offices of Kevin S. Neiman have a wide area of expertise, including but not limited to Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy, commercial litigations in state and federal courts, and appeals to bankruptcy matters throughout the United States.

Snap Finance Review – Everything You Need to Know About Them

It’s been a tough month … your child got sick, spent the weekend in hospital, and was released Monday morning on a “special diet”. Since you had to miss work on Monday, your employer didn’t accept your excuse and will be docking your pay this week. I’m not going to mention the child support money is late… again!

As much as you wish you didn’t have to, you will look for a quick finance company, and leave your mother out of this one. You’ve been warned about them, but life happens! Snap Finance is one you’ve heard about a lot – maybe give them a try.

What Is Snap Finance?

Snap Finance Company is a finance broker that offers service to businesses and individuals. They serve businesses by offering a finance facility for the business’ customers that require payment terms to complete an in-house purchase. They also serve individuals by offering loans to those unable to get traditional credit. It describes itself as a “digital-finance company that specializes in providing consumer financing and rent-to-own purchase options”.

Here are some general features of finance companies. They are not full-service banking; they are strictly consumer loans. The loans they carry may not be available everywhere; low credit scores are easily entertained. They are not the cheapest loans, but often are better priced than payday loans.

Here’s where this type of facility gets tricky. They concentrate heavily on collections. Whereas a bank may give you leniency for the three months you are late, finance companies are keen to follow up on a single payment missed. Taking possession of the collateral good can happen quickly!

On the other hand, CSRs at finance companies tend to be more personable than bank officers. So yes, when you have a temporary setback, you can make that call, and your voice will be heard, as long as you do what you say you will. They often have special concessions to get you back to meeting your commitments honestly.

Snap Finance Company is actually the middle-man for your loan – they don’t lend their funds, but find finance companies that are willing to do so. From your point of view that fact matters little, since once you get the loan, where and how you pay will be decided. The website of Snap makes all the details simple – at least not your worry.

Why You’ll Love Them

a woman with a credit card

Simply put, if you’re in a financial jam of sorts, these high-risk loans are a good option, if you know how to manage it well. With Snap Finance, the first 100 days are interest-free; I’d say, do your best to meet this timeline. But if you’re going to be just a little late, an extension may be considered. Just call.

The customer service at Snap Finance is often described as “helpful” and “informative”. So many customers report that when their financial situation became more difficult, Snap Finance CSRs made it a little easier.

The website facilitates the easy application process of Snap Finance. Honestly, you already know from the home page that the interest is at least 11.8%. So if you have other cheaper options, explore those first.

Direct debit to pay the loan is a convenience offered by the lender. As long as you agree to a date that you can commit to, you will re-build your credit along with this convenience.

Why You’ll Not

coints stacked on paper

Most people who simply can’t adjust their lifestyle to improve their finances will always blame another entity. Late payments, not reading the contract thoroughly, and non-communication are common factors in clients’ frustration. After the contract is signed, your best bet is to abide by the terms, and only worry about what you can control.

That said, consumer financing can be addictive. Borrow only what you need to get by. If a purchase can wait, try to save before expending just to look good and pay more than is necessary.

Sometimes, in the haste to get funding, consumers don’t focus on all the charges that could happen during the life of the loan. Paying as agreed, these extra charges will be little to nil. You can expect to pay a charge for being late with your monthly payments, but there are a lot of complaints from former customers that these are exorbitant.

Remember, finance charges could be as high as 32%. And with additional charges that may not be apparent at the outset, this could drive the total cost of borrowing up to 100%. You should always make all calculations to know the full cost of the funds before signing any loan.

What I first described as a positive feature, could also be your detriment, if you don’t manage effectively. Should you have the funds in your account on time, direct debit is a wonderful convenience; otherwise, it’s a strike against your credit, among other things.

Finally, collection calls you choose not to answer may end up at your friend’s, your parents’, or your employer’s. All this can be avoided, as already alluded to in this article.



All in all, as with everything in life, there are pros and cons to whatever you choose. A short-term loan may be a good choice if you’re willing to be a model borrower.

Of all the finance companies and pawn shops and payday loan facilities you may be able to access, Snap Finance is a good one among many. They may actually help you in your weak moments.

FTL Finance Review – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

You get up in the morning and the house is cold. Not just cold, it’s freezing! You panic because you know there’s not enough money in the checking account to pay for a new furnace. Now what? The credit cards are maxed out, the savings account is running on empty, and you really don’t want to spend the kid’s college money on this problem. You call your local HVAC contractor and find out you can finance your new furnace with FTL Finance, the furnace financiers.

Problem Solved – Right?

You know you have good credit and the financing issue shouldn’t be a problem. That’s going to make everything go a lot smoother. The contractor shows up with a brand new furnace and an application you need to fill out to get approval for the FTL Finance company to pay for your purchase and then set you up on a payment program. Sounds easy, fast, and simple so you go for it, crossing all the T’s and dotting all the I’s.

You fill out the forms, fax them in to the company and voila’, you’re the proud new owner of the most efficient, cost-effective furnace available to modern man. Life is good, the house is warm, and everyone in the family thinks you’re the greatest. It’s a great feeling and you bask in the sunshine of your success.

Life is Back to Normal with FTL Finance

Time goes by and you make your payments on your brand new furnace. Every month, you send in your check or you make your payment online and you’re content. The furnace saves money on electricity and runs as quiet as a mouse. You’re pleased with yourself because the money you’re saving is helping to make the payment on the furnace. Things just seem to get better and better.

The Good

A few years go by and you’re getting ready to make the final payment on that excellent furnace you bought a while ago. You make the final payment on the FTL Finance contract and you’re happy as a clam and snug as a bug in a rug. You’re so happy because now that the furnace is paid off, those electricity bills and natural gas bills are going to keep staying low, saving more money on the monthly budget. Ahhhhh, life is good!

The Bad with FTL Finance

One day, several months later, you take a quick look at your credit report and notice there’s a delinquent payment notice on the report from FTL Finance. You scratch your head and wonder to yourself, “I paid them off. What’s this about?”. You decide to dig up your paperwork to confirm you paid them off and decide to give FTL Finance a call to clear up the misunderstanding. You dial the company’s customer service line and get an agent who informs you that your payoff was for the wrong amount and you owed an additional $99 “contract administration fee”. You state you were never informed of a contract administration fee and you would have paid it if you’d known.

The agent informs you that the fee was due at the contract initiation and that at this time, you owe a few thousand dollars since the debt has accumulated $0.25 interest every day it hasn’t been paid. You inform the agent you’re not going to pay thousands of dollars and they do a phone dance between you and their manager. They finally arrive at a settlement amount of $500 which must be paid immediately or the company will come and repossess your furnace.

The Ugly

Incensed, you tell the agent you’ll have to think everything over and you’ll call them back. As your face returns from crimson back to normal, you start to read the contract you signed. It doesn’t mention a $99 administration fee. The payment book you received didn’t have a $99 coupon to send in and no one ever said you were behind in your payments.

You ponder the situation for a few days and the phone rings. It’s a collection agent from FTL Finance and they want to know when you are going to pay the money you owe. You inform the agent you’re still deciding what to do and the agent tells you the debt must be paid quickly or more credit score reporting will be done.

Hanging up the phone, you shake your head and scratch your scalp. You wonder how the heck you went from happy homeowner to distressed debtor in a matter of seconds. You also wonder how this company can arbitrarily charge you additional fees and interest without you knowing about it. You’re starting to feel a little … stupid.

The Ugly on Steroids

After a few more days, the phone rings again. Once again it’s the friendly folks from FTC Finance looking for their money. You inform them you’re not going to pay them for money you don’t think you owe them and hang up the phone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. You walk out to the mailbox and there’s a letter from FTC Finance, telling you once more of your incredible debt and how you really need to get it paid or there will be consequences.

Desperate, you go online to check FTL Finance out and discover a Better Business Bureau (BBB) website that has a review of the company. You click on the link and find the BBB website states the company isn’t a member of the BBB. Then you discover there have been some complaints filed against FTL Finance by former customers. You start to read the complaints and discover you’re not the only one who has gone through what you’re going through.

Back to Normal Again

What you find in all the complaints is a clear pattern of a company that doesn’t play fair. You see other customers with the exact same problem you’re dealing with and you also see how they solved their problems. You decide you’re going to take a tough-guy approach and go after FTL Finance with a vengeance because you’ve been wronged. After sending out letters to the company, the credit bureaus, the BBB, and your brother-in-law (who happens to be a lawyer), you finally arrive at a satisfactory conclusion to the mess and you can relax and enjoy another warm winter … as long as the furnace holds out.

The Lessons are Clear

Lesson #1 – Read the contract completely before signing. It can save a lot of time, anxiety, and money.

Lesson #2 – Check out your creditor before you borrow any money. It pays to do some homework.

Lesson #3 – Shop around for credit. Taking the first offer may not be the best idea.


Life runs at high speed in today’s world, but that doesn’t mean you have do everything in a hurry. Making a purchase using credit can be done with great ease in today’s world, but that doesn’t mean it should be done at the drop of a hat. FTL Finance is a finance company in business to make money and they do all kinds of things to accomplish that goal. You need to be a savvy consumer who avoids doing business with companies which have questionable practices like FTC Finance.

Xtensio Overview – What Is It And How You Should Best Use It

What is Xtensio? What is it for? Why would I need it? If you’ve ever asked any of these questions to yourself, then you’ve come to the right place. Today I will be discussing everything Xtensio – what it is, why it’s useful and how to get the most out of it.

Xtensio – What Is It?

Xtensio Platform
Xtensio Platform

Confused? I sure was when I first came across the online communications business. The problem with gathering information and understanding the service is that it offers so many different features – it can be easy to get a little bit overwhelmed!

However, what I now know about Xtensio is this: It is an online service that helps individuals in your business or organisation connect, communicate, and work together.

Basically, it’s just a content creating software for entrepreneurs and businesses that can aid communication between members of the business.

The service was launched in 2015 and is the brain child of Fake Crow, a product design studio that creates solutions for ‘forward-thinking’ companies. Xtensio is primarily focused at small, emerging businesses that want to visualize their growth and size, and promote themselves.

What Services And Utilities Does it Offer?

You could see Xtensio as a cross between a website builder, a messaging platform and Microsoft Office. It combines the many functions of all these products into one, unified service, so you have everything in one place, ready to use.

Utility No.1 – Presentation Software

Xtensio presentation software
Xtensio Presentation Software

One of the main features of Xtensio is its customizable presentation content creator/editor. What makes Xtensio’s presentation software different to others, you may ask? Well, There are three main features that differentiate it from the likes of Microsoft PowerPoint –

  • Modules – These are Xtensio’ containers of content which contain things such as graphs, text and growth predictions. All modules are easily edited, transformed and moved around the slide
  • Templates – With Xtensio’s custom templates, you can easily get the creative juices flowing and have a presentation that looks amazing with very little effort.
  • Style Guide – While working, you can use a style guide to pick colors and fonts, so you can maintain a similar visual style throughout.

Other features also make Xtensio stand out, including easy integration between presentation, PDF, and web page, and also the ability to communicate with members of your team while working – I will discuss these features next.

Utility No. 2 – Website Builder/Integration Between Formats

xtensio website builder

While working on your presentations, you can easily switch the whole presentation to a website, or vice versa. After converting to a different format the user interface stays the same.

This means that switching of formats is very simple and doesn’t require learning many different interfaces, like you might have to do with something like Microsoft Office.

This easy integration between the two utilities makes website design easy and accessible for anyone in your team. You can also convert your presentation or website to PDF format whenever and wherever you like – it’s available and functions on all devices, no matter the screen size!

Utility No. 3 – Communication

Xtensio communication

Xtensio’s software means that multiple people can work in the same area, or on the same thing at he same time. You work space is always private and secure, and you can add colleagues or investors to collaborate on your presentation or website at the same time.

With Xtensio you are able to see who’s working on what, so you can increase productivity and work flow. Another bonus is that all work saves and syncs for everybody working. You can even undo other’s work if they have made a mistake.

Why Would You Need Xtensio?

Henry Ford once said “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

I think that that quote sums up exactly why Xtensio is so useful because it helps potentially isolated colleagues or employees function as a team with their colleagues. On top of this, with Xtensio you could solve a number of problems that might occur in businesses that work predominantly online. These include:

  • Not being able to work together, if employees or colleagues are working remotely – The communication side to Xtensio solves this easily!
  • Not being able to hire a website designer – with Xtensio, web designing is very accessible to everyone due to the easy to use converting tool.
  • And finally, not having enough time to create stunning presentations that can promote your business – Xtensio’s templates make designing great looking presentations easy!

Other than solving these highlighted problems, Xtensio is also very desirable because of its affordable price point – from just $15 dollars per month per person. You can even get started with Xtensio with a free plan, however this plan is quite limited.

What Are The Bad Things About Xtensio?

Users about Xtensio
Users about Xtensio

Enough with all the positives. Unfortunately, there are some cons about the service. From customer service to ease of use, some people have complained about some of Xtensio’s many features. Some of the things that need improvement are –

  • Choosing a color – the color picking requires you to paste a hex code into the software, which is awkward and time consuming.
  • Poor customer service – According to one user, Xtensio staff argued with him, trying to persuade him to upgrade to a more expensive plan
  • Poor value for money – for some users, the lack of freedom with the cheaper plans is frustrating, and some cannot afford the more expensive options.

Despite these cons, Xtensio has very few bad reviews and overall, the positives drastically outweigh the negatives!

Who Is Xtensio Aimed At?

Who Is Xtensio Aimed At?
Who Is Xtensio Aimed At?

Almost anyone that wants to increase their productivity and is running or starting a business would find Xtensio immensely useful. Xtensio supports freelancers, agencies and even consultancies.

However, the service is aimed more at smaller businesses. This is because most of their offered features are more useful to smaller businesses that want to grow in size, and this is reflected in the paid plans that you can choose from the company.

How Can You Get the Most Out Of Xtensio?

In order to get the most out of this service, you should exploit the most useful features to the best of your ability. For example, you should always use Xtensio’s built in templates to save time and ensure you have an amazing final presentation or website.

In addition, make sure you use the communicative features to the utmost – if you divide work on Xtensio between your team equally you will increase productivity dramatically.

Finally, if you apply this rule (exploit the most useful features) to all aspects of Xtensio, then you will be sure to get the most out of the service, and get your money’s worth with it!



Overall, Xtensio is a great business for many types of people. If you want to boost your marketing or productivity as a business, then Xtensio is the perfect choice when it comes to website building and content creating. Even if you’re just an individual trying to start-up a business then the services provided will still be of great use.

More than anything else, I hope you’ve learnt something about Xtensio, and learnt whether or not the company will be useful to you! Thanks for visiting this website, and I hope to see you again soon!

If You are interested, what Xtensio could offer You, just check it Yourself from here!