Credit cards are often the most convenient way to pay for your purchase for several reasons, which is perhaps why more than 2000 million people in the U.S alone have at least one flexible friend.
Of course, it’s really easy to misuse your credit card and end up in unmanageable debt or paying off more interest than you really need to which is why we’ve put together some top credit card tips that you need to know.
1. Balance alerts can help you avoid overspending
When you’re spending on a credit card it is really easy to go overboard and maybe make more purchases than you can really afford. One thing that can help you to rein this impulse in is to set up balance alerts that will notify you when you are approaching a certain level of spending that you can set yourself.
2. Save money with 0% offers
These days you can compare credit card interest rates at the click of a button, which means that is it easier than ever to find those 0% deals By doing so, and by transferrin your valances to them if you can, you can stop paying interest, start paying off more of the actual debt, and get yourself into a much better financial situation, in no time at all.
3. Boost your credit score with mid-cycle payments
Something a lot of people do not realize about credit card companies is that they will report the status of your credit card account to the credit score companies every month. The credit score companies will then take into account the amount of available credit you are using to determine your score with a lower percentage of debt to available credit making for a better score. So, if you can make an extra payment in the middle of the month, or even just change your payment date to mid-month instead of the first or last of the month, you can use this to your advantage and potentially boost your score by lowering your debt burden.
4. Credit card bonuses often expire
It’s worth remembering that many credit card companies that offer finanical rewards also stipulate that those rewards must be used within 12 months. If you have been collecting rewards and you don’t want to lose them, it’s important that you redeem them before the expiration date. Setting up a reminder on your phone or calendar will help you to avoid losing what is effectively free money.
5. Pay off high-interest cards first
Although you need to make the minimum payment on each card each month, it is also important that you remember that paying off the highest interest card first will result in a smaller interest burden overall. So, once you have made the minimum payments, if you have anything left over, pay it towards the highest APR and see your debts slowly but surely come down.
Credit cards can be a useful tool but only if you use them right, so be careful.