How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Driving

Do you find you are often frustrated on the road? It’s because of other drivers, isn’t it? It’s because people are not good at driving and break the rules without thinking. This may be true, but how often do you stop to consider your own driving ability?

You might think you’re a good driver, but there’s always room for improvement. One very effective way to improve is to use mindfulness to slow you down and bring more attention to the road. 

Better road awareness 

When you bring your awareness into the present moment, you free yourself from distracting thoughts and ideas that generally swim around your head. It might be thoughts about where you’re coming from or where you’re going-to that takes your attention off the road and other drivers. This can cause incidents of frustration and anger towards other road users. With your mind on the moment, however, you will notice more of what’s going on. 

Fewer distractions 

Normally your mind is not in the moment at all. You might be thinking about a situation in work, what someone said to you the other day, or what you need to do before going home – get fuel or stop for groceries.

All of this amounts to distractions that can be lead to reckless driving, which is dangerous for sure.

And it needs no mention that reckless driving consequences can be devastating if you have an accident. 

More patience on the road 

Distracting thoughts and ideas are generally stressful, especially when you begin asking and answering questions in your head. Then someone cuts into the lane or arrogantly overtakes you, and you’re already primed to shout about it. If you drive in a state of mindfulness, however, you will drive more slowly and will be less likely to react or even encounter frustrations on the road. If you do encounter frustrations, they are far less likely to affect you. 

A more comfortable ride

When you practice mindfulness while driving, all your attention is on the moment. You’re listening to the sound of the wheels on the road, watching the road with alert attention, and noticing how you feel at the same time. This tends to bring awareness to your driving and slows the car down, making the ride more comfortable and safer for your passengers. When you approach a junction in your Flex Fleet hire vehicle, for instance, you won’t have to brake quickly to avoid a collision; instead, you will roll up slowly, fully aware of what’s happening on the road around you. 

Better fuel consumption 

Mindful driving is also excellent for your vehicle and your budget. Mindful driving makes you a slower, more considerate driver, which translates into more money in your pocket at the same time. How is this possible? Firstly you drive slower, meaning you use less gas. No matter what fuel consumption you have on your vehicle, it will improve with slower, more careful driving. Furthermore, your vehicle will need fewer serves and repairs, saving you money there too. 

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