How to Start Investing for Early Retirement

How can I retire early? What must I do to save up enough for my retirement? What must I do to ensure that I live comfortably when I retire?

These questions have been pondering in the hearts of so many, and had left many of them with sleepless nights. To be honest with you, I’ve had my fair share in the past. To be happy in the future, you need to create a sustainable income that would take care of your needs when you’ve stopped working.

The absolute best way to achieve this is to save and invest for the future.

woman holding an ipad

If you want to learn how to start investing for early retirement, then this article is for you. You’ll gain a first hand knowledge on how to make money investing in stock market, which is a better alternative for early retirement plan.

If you’re a pro investor, I think you’ll be familiar with the context of this article, but you can still learn some strategies on how to improve on your wealth of experience. However, if you’re just hearing of “investing in stock market” for the first time, or you’re trying to get hold of some materials that would gear you towards the right direction, then this is a step towards the right direction.

People who don’t invest in the stock market have their reasons, and their opinions about the stock market are different. To some; it’s the fear of losing their money, and to others; mistrust, maybe they’re lucky or not, or just curious of the outcome, whether they can beat the market based on instinct.

Some newbies believes that trading or investing in stock market is a gamble (Although it is, if you invest blindly, or out of emotions and improper calculations), however, they are wrong about it. You’ll only say that investing in stock market is a gamble because you don’t know how to trade to win.

If you’re confident on how to successfully invest in stock market, then you’ve bought yourself a lifetime ticket of steady income for your retirement plan with no effort or work.

What you need to know about stocks.

stock market app

Buying a stock of a company means owning a percentage of that company. When you own a share of a company, you’ll become a shareholder, and have rights to participate in decision making, voting, and sharing of the company’s future earnings (which is known as dividend). Dividend are percentage of the company’s profits that are shared among shareholders, based on their amount of shares.

Some companies pay a fraction of their profits to their shareholders, while they grow gradually, while some invest 100% of their profits into the business for rapid growth.

How valuable is the company you want to invest in?

The value of your stock is calculated based on how much profit (dividend) it fetch you. The higher your shares in a company, the higher your percentage when it comes to profit sharing.

Several factors makes the price or value of a stock to increase or decrease. For instance; the stock of an oil company would definitely skyrocket if there’s an increase in the demand of oil commodities. On the contrary, if there’s a sudden change from the usage of fuel combustion vehicles, to electric vehicles, then value of the stock of the oil company would decrease because the demand for oil commodities would decrease.

Buying stocks for the first time

stock chart

If it’s your first time investing in stop, then the first step is buying them. It can be very exciting for beginners, most especially after seeing people raking 6-7 figures from stock. However, it can be very challenging. You need to learn how to be cautious and play safe. Therefore, I’ll advise to learn it properly before venturing into it.

Here’s a good article covering this topic:

Long term vs Short term

Stock prices fluctuates always, due to the volatility of the market. Short term trading is more of a gamble, because you never can tell the seconds when the price would drastically rise or fall, and if you’re not careful, you might go bankrupt in a blink of an eye.

Long term investment is a better option. Sometimes even if your stock value falls, it would gradually rise again, and you’ll have the opportunity to make profit from it.

Which stocks to buy to make money?

The best way to invest in stock without much headache is to buy ’em all. Several smart researchers suggests that the best way to make money from stock market is to buy an “index fund”. This is a mutual fund that automatically buys an equal fraction of all the major shares in your country.

When you buy all of the major stocks, some would rise, and some would fall, but in overall, you’ll make above average. This is the best strategy for even that anyone can use to make money from the stock market.

If you choose to do some calculations, then invest your whole cash in a particular stock, and it fails you, then your retirement plan would fail. So it’s better to invest in index fund, and have peace of mind. It’s no doubt that you can only earn very large if you invest a huge sum in a particular stock that grew so rapidly, however, would you be able to survive it if it falls so drastically?

What type of index fund you should invest in?

pile of money and funds

Invest in The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, and you’ll thank yourself later for doing so. They track the entire of U.S, with the expense of just 0.17%. This is the cheapest you can get, however, if you’re looking of employer-sponsored plan, maybe you should try the S&P 500 Index fund.

There are the International trust funds as well. They are great buy, most especially when the U.S is hurting, it would give you a high ROI.

In conclusion

Whichever stock you’re investing into, the main goal is to retire early and have enough to take care of yourself. Just remember to never lay all your eggs in one basket. Learn how the stock market works, go about it slow and steady and I’ll bet your retirement would be a luxurious one.

Magic Formula Investing – What it is and How to do it?

If you are investor who wants to consider a money-making strategy that could help you in value investing, the Magic Formula Investing is a wicked strategy that can actually yield impressive results.

Joel Greenblatt, a Columbian professor and a fund manager, introduced the “magic formula” in his 2005 book, The Little Book That Beats the Market, and since has remained a common strategy in the stock investment market.

The formula relies on the quantitative screening of stocks and companies thereby highlighting the annual returns of a particular market.

What is in the Magic Formula?

a crazy scientist

The magic formula was designed to help all investors like you to “buy good companies on an averagely fair price.” With this non-emotional, straightforward approach, you will be able to screen companies that have high investment value and make the right investment decisions.

Instead of carrying out a comprehensive analysis of stocks and companies, you are able to use the formula to obtain top 30 ranked companies which you are able to invest.

The magic formula utilises the earnings yield of stocks and capital returns to make company rankings as these two factors can be used to efficiently measure how the companies generate their earnings based on asset values.

Since the magic formula is commonly incorporated among companies whose capitalisation value is worth $100 million and above, it would not be advisable to apply it if you intend to invest in small cap stocks.

With the strategy, you are able to sell your losing stocks to benefit from the income tax provision as well as sell your winning stocks to take advantage of the low income tax rates.

How do you use the Magic Formula to make investments?

The easy way:

Joel Greenblatt has actually put together a website where he does all the calculations for you for free. You can choose 30-50 stocks from the list. Buy them, wait for one year and then rebalance your portfolio. It’s as simple as that.

homepage of magic formula investing

The website is:

The hard way:

Choosing a company or stock to invest in using the formula involves simple steps. First, you will have to master the rules of the formula application. The investment approach has nine specific rules that you must follow:

  1. Only consider stocks that have market capitalization value of $100 and above.
  2. Do not include utility or financial stocks
  3. Exclude any American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) or foreign companies
  4. Understand the earning yield of the company of interest; this is known as EBIT/EV
  5. Identify the return on capital of the company i.e. EBIT/(working capital + net fixed assets)
  6. Based on the above 5 steps rank your findings based on the capital returns and earnings yield. Rank your findings using percentages
  7. Over a period of 12 months, invest in top 20 to 30 ranked companies as you accumulate 3 positions every month
  8. Rebalance and compare their portfolios every year, selling your winners after a period of 53 weeks from the purchase date while selling your losers 51 weeks later. This step is important to allow you take advantage of the tax shifts.
  9. You are required to utilize this formula only for long term i.e. you should be willing to invest to up to a minimum of 5 years

After mastering the rules, the second step is to implement the formula by yourself. In order to pick the “magic” stock or company, you will need to screen the stocks with the least market capitalisation value. After this, you will need to exclude the financial and utility stocks due to the fact that they have different business models as well as the ways through which they make money.

The next step involves determining the earning yield (EBIT/Enterprise Value) of the company you have chosen keeping in mind that all non-USA companies are excluded.

You will then determine the Return on Capital of the companies then rank them based on the Return on Capital and Earnings Yield values. You can now invest in the top 20 or 30 companies by taking stocks after every 2 to 3 months over a period of one year; this is followed by a continuous re-balance of the portfolio annually.

Implementation and expectations

Individuals always observe variable returns amidst the fact that they are following the same steps. The two key determinants of your returns include the type of stock you buy and the time at which you buy the stock. Keep in mind that the screener might produce variable results in different days as stocks exchange in the top identified companies.

Thus, Greenblatt had recommended that investors implement the formula for at least a period of five years. A short period of one or two years may result in the underperformance of the indexes. It is only over a long period that you will be able to purchase good companies at a favorable price.

Understanding the two ratios in the formula

After going through the magic formula, you are able to see two financial ratios that Greenblatt had included:

EBIT/EV—this ratio represents the earnings before taxes or interests divided by the value of enterprise. Although earnings/price is a simpler version of the ratio, Greenblatt considered EBIT more preferable since it accurately measures companies with different rates of taxation. EV is more applicable in comparing share prices since it factors in the debts of a company.

EBIT/(working capital + net fixed assets)—this ratio focuses on the earnings in relation to tangible assets. Net fixed assets refer to the fixed assets (such as machinery) minus all liabilities and accumulated lifetime depreciation associated with that identified assets. Rather than considering fixed assets, net fixed assets provide an accurate real value of the assets that a company owns.

Do not underestimate the relevance of these two ratios. They are actually giving the computations of different data reflecting the inner functioning of the companies. They reflect: the actual earnings, tax rates, interests, debt, price of equity, asset depreciation rates, and current liabilities and assets.

Does the Magic Formula work?

Based on past studies and Greenblatt’s calculations, it is evident that the magic formula works. According to Greenblatt, the investing strategy is able to generate up to 30% of annual returns.

Similarly, one study tested the formula between 1999 and 2009, and found that there is an average return of 13.7% every year.

Another study conducted between 1993 and 2005 also found that the formula outperformed the market index of the United States by 3.6% while in the UK and Japan, the index rates were outperformed by 7.3% and 10.8% respectively.

Although the values differ, they all show a positive investment return of the magic formula.

21 Personal Finance Tips That Will Change the Way You Think About Money

Before we share personal finance tips with you, it is important to learn what personal finance really stands for.

Personal finance is an art of handling the money you earn. It involves all money related matters whether it is your own expenses or household expenses. Personal finance is also about making the right decisions about earning, saving, investing and spending your money.

If you are still wondering which matters are directly concerned with Personal finance, let us make it crystal clear for you. In our day to day life, there are many things which are happening around us also involves personal finance such as credit cards life or home insurance policies, mortgages and vehicle instalment plans etc.

If you are planning to take control over your personal finances, then look out for short-term and long-term financial plans like:

  • Cash flow
  • Purchasing Insurance policies
  • Filling taxes
  • Savings account management
  • Retirement plans

Saving money is a hard job especially when you don’t have a solid plan sheet. How to earn, spend and save or invest your money would have a long-lasting impact on your life as well on the lives of others associated with you.

Unfortunately, there are hardly any schools who are teaching personal finance tips to its’ students. All we were taught while growing up was basic math.

Too many people spend half of their lives without knowing how to manage personal finance. They lack the ability to make a plan of their budget, expenses, and savings and have no idea how to invest the remaining finances. Planning for old age or retirement plans are nowhere to be discussed let along planned.

Here we are going to share top 21 tips on how you can manage personal finances easily and proactively.

#1 Formulate A Budget


First and the foremost tip is to formulate a budget according to your expenses on per week or per month basis. A well-devised budget is all that keeps you on track. It also helps you to track where your money is going and from where you can cut down your expenses etc. it is like a blueprint for achieving your money goals.

#2 Set Priorities

Decide which loan and mortgages you have to pay first. When tuning of your car is due. When are you going to pay for the house rent. Set priorities while managing personal finance. First things should be on the top of the list and catered accordingly.

#3 Take Record Of Daily Expenses

Buying a coffee while driving or walking to your office in the morning? Stopped by a McDonalds to catch a quick snack? Beware! These are the expenses which you make daily that eventually disturbs your budget. Cut down unnecessary daily expenses and save every penny you can.

#4 Admire Yourself

Save money and spend it wisely is a way of admiring and loving yourself. If you save today, it will help you out tomorrow.

#5 Set Smaller Goals

Setting long-term money goals often tend to fail. Setting small term goals helps you to achieve them more easily and quickly and it will also motivate you to save more and finally achieve your bigger goals.

#6 Use A Credit Card Wisely

credit card

If you are using credit cards for making purchases online on in the stores, purchase only if you are sure you will pay the complete bill all at once at the end of the month. Never buy anything if it only seems attractive. Buying unwanted things will only pile up your expenses and ultimately disturbs your budget.

#7 Find A Good Company

Find friends who are also into saving money and like to manage their personal finances because humans tend to follow habits found in their company.

#8 Never Lend Money

Never lend money to someone whom you don’t know personally or who will not be able to pay it back. Never invest in such scenarios except it is for close relations.

#9 Get The Right Insurance

It is very important to go for a right insurance policy. It includes medical, life and property and casualty insurance. God forbid if any unexpected situation arises, it would be more devastating if you have invested in the wrong policy

#10 Pay off Student Loans Faster

There are many opportunities available for graduates to pay off their student loans. It includes graduated repayments which progressively increase the monthly payments and extended repayments, which stretches the loan period to over 25 years. So choose a plan wisely.

#11 Plan For Retirement

elderly people

None of us ever think about getting old and retired. But believe me, it happens with everybody. So start setting some money aside for your retired life.

#12 Never Be Allured By Others

If you are shopping with friends, never be tempted or influenced by your mates. After all, it’s you who is going to pay for your shopping, not them.

#13 Start Saving Now

Tomorrow never comes. Start saving now. Don’t wait for the perfect time to save money. The right time is now.

#14 Depend On More Than One Source Of Income

Warren Buffet said; “Never rely on a single source of income. Make investments to create a second source”. Choose any second source of income whether it is a second job or investing in the stock exchange.

#15 Never Overspend On Gifts


No matter how important he or she to you, never spend a fortune on gifts. It will bring you nothing but a huge bump in your budget.

#16 Spend Less Than You Earn

Always manage your expenses and spend less than you earn every month. For example, if you earn $13000 per month, spending $15000 would not be wise.

#17 Plan Dinner Menus Beforehand

picture of dinner

Plan your monthly dinner or food expenditures at the start of the month. This is how you can reduce as well as save food expenses.

#18 Always Pay Bills On Time

This will not only save your time but will also save unnecessary late fees. So pay beforehand or opt for auto payments option.

#19 Take Professional Courses

Take professional courses to groom yourself professionally. This could be online or by attending classes. Invest in yourself so that you can grow professionally and can earn more.

#20 Use Coupons When Buying

picture of coupons in a pile

Utilize coupons whenever you can. It will save you a lot of money. Take advantage of internet promotional codes and coupons as well.

Being savvy and consulting the right consumer guide that advertises coupons and flash sales or clearance deals can mean that you are able to get high-quality brands.

Coupons have a reputation for being something for low-end brands. Before you buy anything online, do a quick search to see if there is a coupon for the item you want.

#21 Take An Overview Of Your Personal Finances Every Once In A While

Overlook and review your personal finances after every other month. This way you can increase or decrease certain expenses or realign your priorities.

Remember, no one is in charge of yourself but you. Follow your own rules and make the right financial decisions for yourself and for your family. No one cares about your money but you. So use it to create your own financial future.

The 7 Best Personal Finance Books Out There

Even after working hard at what we do, most people still do not have a lot of money left over. Saving up money is something that most people struggle with.

The size of your income doesn’t really pay that big of a role here. People earning 30K a year could be saving and investing more than those earning a 100K a year and spend most of their income.

The statistics are drastic – only 39% of Americans have money set aside to cover a $1,000 emergency (source). So in essence, if you want to become richer than your friends or coworkers, all you really need to do is start saving and investing.

Below you’ll find a selection of the best books to kick start your early retirement.

1. Multiple streams of income by Robert G. Allen

a book cover

This book shows that the disadvantage is that the flow of only one income is not a good idea, because there is only one-way money that can come to me – through my salary!

Having multiple income streams do not necessarily have a second job or even a third job! Several streams of income generating systems so that that money can flow through your life.

This means that you are investing both time and money to learn how to build these systems. It can be one way to invest in real estate, where you get a “stream” of income from monthly rent to tenants.

Another “stream” may be the receipt of portfolio income, such as “dividends” or “interest” of your equity or investments in bonds. One “flow” may be another of the royalties you get from publishing a book or recording music if you’re a singer.

Having a lot of “flows” where money can come to you is better than relying on your “business” alone to make money. The challenge is how to use your time, skills and money to create these income streams.


This is an essential guide on how to invest our money. This book provides a reasonable explanation of the world of stocks, bonds, and common property. It’s very detailed and easy to use.

2. 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris

tim ferris book cover

The book tells about the “new rich,” a group of people who have the time, money and traffic to spend only 4 hours a week to create wealth and the life they want.

The rest of the time is spent on what they like to do, like dancing in Buenos Aires, diving in Panama or enjoying the sun in Hawaii.

Who does not want to spend only 4 hours of his time on work instead of the usual 40 hours a week? Who among us does not want to have the luxury of time to do what you like?

Who among us does not want to spend an extended vacation on the beaches of Hawaii, while you care, and your Maltese will still come?

For employees, he offers practical advice on how to negotiate with your boss to organize workers at home.

It also presents ideas on how to plan your “mini” retirement benefits so that money is still available without you. He even discusses how you can “redirect” your life!

Easy-to-read work week, which takes 4 hours. Ideas are presented in a simple and uncomplicated way that you think you are reading a comic. The book is talkative and funny. Reading is like a face-to-face conversation with the author. Sometimes you can laugh at his jokes.

3. The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton

book cover

Some people have noticed that this book is one of the most beloved financial books of all time. A rich hairdresser offers reasonable advice and tips on how this affects our lives.

It’s very easy to take it by writing a book as a short story or novel, and easy.

The book is always recommended to those who risk understanding the management of personal money because even if you do not have a lot of experience in finance and accounting, you can easily understand.

The book guides the reader to take measures to manage his money, thinking about what we really want in life, and how we can get it.

He also has a great difference in getting rid of material thinking, receiving costs under our control and reducing our debts

4. The Millionaire next door by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. William D. Danko, Ph.D.

book cover

The book is based on a comprehensive study of the financial habits of millionaires. The results are surprising in the sense that most of these millionaires are not what we usually expect them to be, as accurately described in the book,

“These people cannot be millionaires! They do not look like millionaires. They do not wear the same clothes as millionaires. They do not eat like millionaires, and they do not act like millionaires – they did not even have millionaire names.

Many “close” millionaires are the first generation. They did not inherit their wealth. They built it. Few of them spend more than $ 100 an hour. Others do not wear a jumpsuit to work!

They engage in types of work that can be classified as dull – ordinary. Some are welding contractors. Some of them are rice farmers. Some of them are pest controllers. Other traders of coins and stamps.

What separates the millionaires from the rest is their habit of money. They are modest by nature. They value money. They invest at least 20% of their income. They even have a “go to hell” box that can save their expenses for at least ten years without work at all.


A valuable lesson of the book is not that we know who the real millionaires are, but also the realization that it can be you! If they can, you can! It’s time to build your rich cash habit and become a “millionaire in the neighborhood”!

5. Your Money or Your Life by Vicky Robin and Joe Dominguez

cover of ymorl

The book tells you about managing your money and even looking at it in a very different way. Your money is only an integral part of your life.

There is also time. There is also your dream! What do you like the most? How to spend your money? What do you do in your time? Do you still do what you do, even if you have all the money in the world?

The book emphasizes the management of resources that you have like money and time. It offers unique tips to monitor your spending and whether each contributes to your goals.

It also has some ideas on how to accurately define what you want to do and manage your money and time so that you can do more of what you love to do and less than you do not like doing.

He even has some charts to help you understand and talk where you are, and when your day of freedom.


The central message of the book is not to choose money for life or vice versa

6. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

r. kyosaki book

The book is a story about how to develop knowledge about the funds of two fathers: the first rich, the other poor. The story unfolds to describe the different customs of the wealthy and impoverished father’s money, each of which produces a different financial result.

The book makes a very complicated world of money and business sounds simple. It is merely that ideas can be interpreted as a child using only superficial graphics.

The figures show how cash flows from your pocket to the bank when you pay your bills and how they come from your company when you receive your salary.

What you do with the money after you get it, it determines whether you are rich or poor. Do you use the money to buy assets such as real estate investing or business creation? Or you can use it to purchase commitments, such as the new LCD TV in 12 single monthly payments with zero percent!


The book inspires you to become the best and watch business and money in a completely different way. Expands as money works!

7. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

napoleon hill book

The central message of the book is that you have to “think” about money before it becomes real. This is a direct translation of the phrase “what your mind can understand, your body can achieve.” When you think about money, and you have this “urgent desire” to make it a reality, the whole universe conspires to build the means to bring it to you.

Money is, above all, just an idea. This is unrealistic. The money you keep when you buy a bag with a product is as real as a “mutual” agreement with other people that the paper you own deserves what you buy.

The book does not say “hard work and richer.” Hard work means different things to different people. For an employee who does not like what he does and receives a little salary, he is “hard work.” For someone who loves what he does, “hard work” is not in his vocabulary.

Top Seven Free Budgeting Tools

Planning is a very crucial aspect not only of the business organization but also to nations. It helps you set goals and also strategies on how to achieve your goals and attaches a timeline to them.

Planning has now been made easier by technology through the introduction of very many online budgeting sits. This
means that you can monitor and implement your business plan at the comfort and convenience of your laptop or your mobile phone.

Not only does this makes work easier but increases your chances of eradicating losses in the organization.

Some or most of these online budgeting sits offer advisory services and tips and they will help you be realistic and implement your plan. For this reason, you will need the best, most efficient and reliable budgeting tools there is in
the market.

1. YNAB(you need a budget)

homepage of ynab

As the name suggests this is an online budgeting application that will help you analyze and manage your money and account. The YNAB can be linked to your bank account and will, therefore, work with actual fat s and figures.

This platform uses a user-friendly layout which will allow the user to make a plan in a couple of minutes. It will always help you manage your account. The data used in this platform is mostly reliant on previous incomes and earnings rather than project for the unseen future. This unique factor will mostly give accurate results.

It has a very secure encryption from their server to your bank account. That makes sure all your details are safe and they are accountable for every account and make sure to keep your account an affair between you and them and will only provide information at the authorization of the customer or the law.

This application helps monitor your rate of income and expenses and provides an overview of how you have spent your money. It also gives advice on how you should plan your money and this will always give you the benefit of making informed decisions.

They will make sure they change your mindset to seeing every dollar as an investment. They will give you choices on how to invest also. They also motivate students I school by giving them a one-year free account and this is what will build tomorrows mega-investors. This is probably the best budgeting tool ever. YNAB offers you a 34-day free trial.

2. Personal Capital

homepage pick of personal capital

Some of us will always want a third party’s confirmation on issues before implementing them. This is why the personal capital account offers a two based kind of account offering serving both as a financial tracker and financial advisor.

The difference between this YNAB and this kind of account is the YNB offers paid for financial advice. It has new and improved new feature like the retirement  planner, educational planner, investment checkup and the assessment allocation target.

The personal capital account has a very sophisticated security system that is simply a headache for hackers. The application has also been customized to be accessible by a couple of devices ranging from smartphones, laptop computers, and smartwatches.

NB! They also offer a one-month free trial.

3. Mint

homepage of mint

Coming in this on the budgeting online application is the mint application. It offers its services on a 24/7 basis and will alert you personally on bill reminders, over budgeting and even large transactions this will keep you financially fit as you will have a reminder and a clear image in mind of what you are doing. Do you want a fast track way to your goals then this is your kind of sit? It is also accessible on mobile device and on smartwatches. They have a very high-security feature and will send you a randomly generated verification code which you will use to gain access to it.

4. Moneyspire

moneyspire homepage

Derived from the word inspire and money, moneyspire is the site to look for all your budgeting needs. It has special feature that supports multiple currency setting.

It also makes sure to have a personal relationship with their customers and reach out to customer service via email or telephone. Their security detail is well organized and your passwords and accounts remain on your device and in your head as they do not collect any data unlike other sites that collect personal data.

For a onetime simple fee of $54, and from there you can manage unlimited accounts from your linked accounts.

5. Moneydance


At $49.49 you can now have an account with the money dance group. The money dance makes investment decisions.

It has a wide database of data concerning investment and making an effecting action plan with the best budgeting there is. It has an offer of free 100 transactions made on the side per client.

They also have vast access resources as you can access it on any device may it be a smartwatch, smartphone or even a laptop computer.

6. Count about

homepage of ca

Offering a 15-day free trial, count about takes care of your financial budgeting process and will act as your financial and does not offer budgeting advice and it leaves you to make your calculations and evaluations.

This does not provide a database for references though it has majored on customer base security features and works in conjunction with a third party.

However, a weaker budgeting tool as it has limited feature. It is however charged at arrange of between $9 and $99 for an account.

7. Banktivity 6

mac application banktivity 6

With a rating of 8/10, the activity 6 is one of the better tools to use for your financial needs.

Formerly known by the name iBank, the Banktivity takes a personal interest in their clients and will do a daily personal check up on your accounts and budgetary.

They follow up on your deposits and withdrawals and will advise in case of large withdrawals. They will, through their financial advice, prevent you from making hasty decisions.


From the seven budgeting tools, it is only fair to say that they will ease your financial trouble and will offer both accountability and security for your accounts. So the next time you are looking for an account to invest in make to consider these tools.

Look for a tool that will accommodate a number of accounts and also gives you tips, suggestions, and warnings on your financial matters.